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Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

SAE Standard J1995

SAE Standard J1995

Date Published:
June 1995
Engine Power Test Code-Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition- Gross Power Rating
Issuing Committee:
Engine Power Test Code
This SAE Standard has been adopted by SAE to specify:

a. A basis for gross engine power rating,
b. Reference inlet air and fuel supply test conditions,
c. A method for correcting observed power to reference conditions, and
d. A method for determining gross full load engine power with a dynamometer.
This test code document is applicable to both four- stroke and two-stroke spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI) engines, naturally aspirated and pressure charged, with and without charge air cooling. This document does not apply to aircraft or marine engines. This test code supersedes those portions of SAE J1349 dealing with gross power rating. Standard CI diesel fuel specifications are range mean values for Type 2-D EPA test fuel per Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 86.1313-87. The corresponding test code for net power rating is SAE J1349. The document for mapping engine performance is SAE J1312.
ISO 2534 (1972) differs from SAE J1995 in several areas, among which are most important are:
a. This document is not limited to road vehicles;
b. This document requires inlet fuel temperature be controlled to 40 °C on CI engines;
c. This document includes a reference fuel specification and requires that engine power be corrected to that specification on all CI and certain SI engines;
d. This document includes a different procedure for testing engines with a laboratory charge air cooler (ISO method optional); and
e. This document includes a different procedure for correcting power to reference atmospheric conditions on turbocharged CI engines.
Complete correlation has not been established with ISO 3046. It is expected that this power test code will eventually align with ISO 1585 and ISO 2534.

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